The UFO Phenomenon inhabits a substrate of human consciousness. Beneath the layers of the mind ordered by logic and reasoning, there is a quasi-objective realm where the UFO mystery resides with its own logic, which can seem abstract to us. This realm is malleable to the intelligence behind the phenomenon. Its actions seem quite absurd at times. We are presented with objects that seem to defy the laws of physics and beings that have a great diversity of forms. They masquerade as angels one minute and extraterrestrials the next. Our beliefs and preconceived ideas only help in obscuring the true nature of the phenomenon. I think we have to approach the research with an open mind, setting aside our beliefs. The percipients may have a role in how the phenomenon manifests.
The overall consensus of the UFO community is that the government is hiding the reality of the UFO Phenomenon from the public. They believe the government has evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial and have even captured alien technology. I find it fruitless to spend much time on this topic. The most important aspect of the phenomenon is how it affects us, regardless of whether any UFO is extraterrestrial. We can study the effects. We can’t force the government’s hand to disclose whatever information it has on UFOs. Furthermore, the government is highly compartmentalized. In other words, there may be certain components of the government that have that information, but I don’t think the government as a whole is privy to that data. If there is any component of the government that has information, it would be the CIA. They have shown an active interest in the phenomenon since the 1950’s when they started infiltrating UFO organizations.
There are many prominent UFO researchers that make claims to the extraterrestrial origin of some UFOs. The stories are as numerous as the stars, yet not one of them has any concrete evidence to support their claims. These stories, which are really beliefs, only serve to contaminate UFO research. There are also many conspiracy theories linked to these stories. For example, there are claims that the aliens have an agreement with the United States government that allows them to abduct humans in return for technology. I find it difficult to believe that highly advanced aliens would need to make any type of agreement with any government. They could probably do whatever they want without our permission. This is just one example of a theory that stretches credulity.
Observational data of UFO close encounter cases indicates that the percipients involved are affected by a technology that utilizes electromagnetic energy and microwaves, and perhaps other technologies not yet known. These findings have been thoroughly detailed by James McCampbell in his paper, ‘Effects of UFOs on People’. In addition to the physiological effects detailed in McCampbell’s paper there is possibly another mechanism used by UFO to engage the percipient on a psychological level. This mechanism is similar to two technologies, neurofeedback and biofeedback, used by humans to measure and change bodily functions and neurological activity of the brain. UFO encounters are controlled by the UFO, not the percipient, although on some level the percipient might be partially responsible for how the phenomenon manifests. It’s possible that the phenomenon retrieves information from the percipient’s mind in order to construct its appearance. We could take it a step further and say that the phenomenon has access to humanity’s collective unconscious where the archetypes reside. In the theosophical context, the collective unconscious might be referred to as the Akashic records.
After researching UFOs for nearly thirty years, I cannot hold the view that any UFO is of extraterrestrial origin. The data suggests otherwise. However, I don't discount the possibility that some UFOs could be of extraterrestrial origin. The universe is enormous. There are probably others in the cosmos who are more advanced than us. Would they come to Earth for a visit? I think that UFOs are some type of psychoid manifestation emanating from another form of consciousness, one that is closely linked to the Earth and human consciousness.
The mystery continues.