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Psychic Materializations

Writer: trevorcarterva .trevorcarterva .

In the realm of metaphysical concepts, one intriguing and mysterious phenomenon that has garnered some attention from esoteric enthusiasts is that of egregores. The term egregore has Greek origins--"egrégoroi." It means, "watchers." They are mentioned in the Book of Enoch in reference to angels. Egregores are entities or thought forms created and sustained by collective human thought, emotion, and belief. For the most part, egregores are intangible but they can wield significant influence over the groups or individuals that give them life.

Egregores exist in the realm of the collective unconscious, shaped and energized by the shared intentions, emotions, and beliefs of a group or community. These thought forms can take on a variety of characteristics, often reflecting the nature and goals of the group that birthed them. Egregores are not limited to any particular cultural or religious context; they can emerge within social, political, or spiritual frameworks.

It is through sustained collective focus that egregores come into being. When a group of people shares common goals, beliefs, or rituals, they contribute to the creation and sustenance of an egregore. The more attention and emotional energy directed toward the egregore, the more powerful and influential it becomes. This creates a dynamic interplay between the collective consciousness and the egregore forms, which is the basis of its existence.

In the Buddhist tradition, egregores are known as tulpas. The process of creating a tulpa involves a practitioner engaging in deep meditation, visualization, and concentration. It is through this practice that the individual gives form and substance to a chosen thought or concept. Over time, this mental construct is nurtured until it is given enough energy to have a sense of autonomy.

Examples of Egregores:

  1. Religious Deities:

    • Many religious deities can be considered egregores, shaped and sustained by the beliefs, prayers, and rituals of their followers. The strength of these entities lies in the collective faith and devotion of believers.

  1. National Symbols:

    • Symbols such as flags, anthems, and national personifications are powerful egregores representing the collective identity and aspirations of a nation. They evoke a sense of unity and shared purpose.

  1. Corporate Logos:

    • Brand logos and symbols often transcend mere visual representation, becoming energetic signatures that embody the values, identity, and consumer loyalty associated with a particular brand.

  1. Online Communities:

    • Virtual communities, fueled by shared interests and beliefs, can give rise to egregores that manifest as digital entities, influencing the attitudes and behaviors of their members.

Influence and Interaction:

Once egregores are established, they can exert influence on the thoughts, actions, and experiences of the individuals within the group. They serve as conduits for the collective will and energy, shaping the group's identity and offering it guidance. Conversely, individuals contribute to the continued existence and evolution of the egregore through their continued participation in the group activities and rituals.

Egregores and the paranormal:

Throughout human history, people have reported encounters with "otherworldly" beings: angels, demons, gods, fairies, and the list goes on. Consider for a moment that those entities are not entirely external to us, that they are a part of us, intimately connected to our psyches (our collective unconscious). Now consider that some of those egregores have become autonomous entities that have been sustained for so long now that they need very little nourishment from humans in order to survive. Perhaps they have discovered ways to sustain themselves in other ways. This is a topic I often explore in my works of fiction.

In my novel, Cosmic Communion, the protagonist encounters an intelligence that he believes is extraterrestrial or interdimensional. And maybe it is. But that intelligence, or one of the intelligences that he communicates with, could very well be an egregore.

I explore the topic of tulpas in my novel, Shadow Realm, where a family is terrorized by a psychic entity that has invaded their home, which also happens to be a funeral home. That psychic entity feeds on human suffering to sustain itself. It owes its existence, at least in part, to the human mind.


Egregores serve as fascinating bridges between the metaphysical and the psychological realms, highlighting the interconnectedness of collective consciousness and the subtle forces that shape our reality. In behooves us to be be mindful of our beliefs.



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