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Paranormal Phenomena

Writer: trevorcarterva .trevorcarterva .

Paranormal phenomena seem to be a permanent fixture in the landscape of our reality. People continue to have experiences that defy rational explanations. Our ancestors reported anomalous experiences in their own terms, using the knowledge of their time. They spoke of angels, demons, faeries, gnomes, strange aerial phenomena, and numerous other mysterious portents. No doubt, a great number of these ancient reports describe natural phenomena, which our ancestors had no knowledge of during their time. In the modern age, we still face the same problem our ancestors did. Although we have a great deal more knowledge of science and technology, we are still in the dark when it comes to explaining all anomalous phenomena. Despite our high level of technological development, UAP encounters remain a mystery. I don’t think we will solve the UAP mystery with technology alone. No doubt, technology has a role to play in understanding the physical aspects of these phenomena. But are the physical aspects really more important than the psychological impact they have on us?

There is another issue in researching and investigating UAP. How does one determine if a UAP experience is legitimately anomalous, not something created by human technology or natural phenomena? Based on the historical record, it is obvious that the military has used these phenomena to hide their own secret technologies. The Stealth program was secret for at least ten years before it was made public in 1988. Holographic technology has been around since 1962. In many UAP cases, there appears to be holographic technology involved. Cases where craft moves through solid objects, appear and disappears instantaneously, and sometimes appear translucent, could all be reconciled to holographic technological applications. Of course, one could argue that nonhuman intelligence could also use holographic technology.

These strange phenomena permeate every aspect of our beliefs and myths. In fact, paranormal experiences have often been the catalyst for new religions. The UFO literature is saturated with stories of alien visitation, UFO crashes, and government conspiracies. UFO stories, like many religious ideas, seem to evolve and change over time. This morphological aspect of religion is evident in Christianity. Many Christians believe that Lucifer equates to Satan. Lucifer is only mentioned once in the Bible, in the Old Testament. In the book of Isaiah, Lucifer relates to an earthly king, not a fallen angel. Christians have historically interpreted this Old Testament account of Lucifer with the account of Satan being cast out of heaven in the Book of Revelation - a belief that persists even today for many. This is a perfect example of how ignorance leads to misconceptions. We find this same mixture of fact and fiction in paranormal stories. This combination of fact and fiction helps to create new myths.

The same issue exists in UFO lore. Elements of one story absorb into other stories. It seems evident, based on images presented in popular culture of what aliens should look like, that most people associate extraterrestrials with the typical “gray” being depicted on the covers of several UFO books. In fact, descriptions of this type of alien go back to the Betty and Barney Hill case. This was not always the case. Reports from the fifties and sixties describe a variety of beings. Some were tall, human-looking. Others were short and extremely hairy. Then there are the odd-looking robotic beings. Modern day abduction reports sometimes include beings that look like a preying mantis. Their appearances seem to adapt to our cultural expectations and beliefs. What mask will they wear next?

Popular culture has presented the paranormal as some mystical, esoteric phenomenon emanating from a realm that exists outside of the natural world. I think it is part of the natural world. One day our concept of the natural world will expand to include the paranormal. At one time, we had no clue that the universe extended beyond our own solar system. We were unaware that we lived in a universe containing billions of galaxies. We developed tools that allowed us to see deep into the cosmos. Our consciousness expanded. When we make new discoveries about the paranormal, our consciousness will expand once again.

All physical objects in our universe are information agents. They are symbolic representations of some thing. Our perception of the information in our three-dimensional reality is controlled by the perceptual capabilities of our senses. The software that runs our consciousness could be considered a sub-routine of a much larger, universal software program. The sub-routine dictates how our senses interpret the information presented to us. This program establishes a consensus reality that we all share. You see a tree. I see a tree. Our description of the tree is basically the same. Then something happens that changes my perception of the tree. Maybe I took a hallucinogenic drug. Now I see the tree as a giant troll. The software of my consciousness was altered. The universal computer can also alter consciousness. Think of it as a software update. This is the expansion of consciousness. There are other updates not available to us, not until we upgrade our computer. The universal computer initiates a program to upgrade the hardware, and our brain so that we can get the new software updates. There is also a universal database that can be accessed by our consciousness. It stores information about our beliefs, our mythological concepts, and the archetypal images born from our experiences. I am not speaking literally here, saying that the universe is a computer simulation and our consciousness is run by a computer program, although some scientists believe that is a possibility.

We need fresh minds, and new sets of eyes, involved in this research. It has been my experience that new perspectives often bring new discoveries. I have worked in software development, as a Software Test Engineer, for over twenty years now. I have learned, despite having years of experience, when a new person tests a specific part of the software that I have tested numerous times, they often find defects that I missed. I have experienced this as a newbie myself, finding issues in the software that were missed by more experienced testers. In the field of UAP research, very few are looking into the psychological elements of close encounter cases. Researchers are more interested in coaxing the government to give up their saucer secrets. The prevailing theory is that UAP represents extraterrestrial craft. Despite the valid arguments against the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), mainstream Ufology continues unabated in their belief that aliens are here on Earth, on some mission to save humanity or create a hybrid race to replace us. Shortsighted researchers, conspiracy theorists, and certain components of the government keep pissing in the already murky waters of UAP research. It makes it challenging for any researcher to separate fact from fiction. I spent a considerable amount of time reading books that provided negligible value to understanding this phenomenon. Most of the books on UAP regurgitate the same old stories over and over again, without any real purpose. I am not against reviewing existing cases. I have mentioned several of them in this book. But my purpose for including them is to connect them with certain data points from my own research.

Humans love a mystery. The paranormal is one of the greatest mysteries of all time. It goes beyond ghosts, poltergeists, and flying saucers. At the heart of the mystery lies the human mind. The externalization of psychic forces is of the least importance to me. It is how these forces affect the human mind that I am most concerned with. Whatever these forces are, they have influenced the human imagination for centuries. Their impact on our world is undeniable. It would behoove us to understand our relationship with them. In the process of exploring this relationship, we might just learn something about ourselves.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.” Carl Gustav Jung



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