Understanding body language is an important aspect of writing. Body language is a key component in conveying information to the reader. The way a character acts and reacts helps to define who they are. In your story, a character can act or react in any given situation using dialogue and body language. It is important to note that a character’s words don’t always line up with how they truly feel. Their body language might indicate something contradictory to what they said. For example, one of your characters might answer in the affirmative, agreeing with something another character said but they might shake their head, indicating they don’t really agree.
Below is a list of different body language indicators and their meaning. It is worth stating that not everyone uses the same body language in the same situation. Keep in mind that body language is complex. Just because a person is smiling doesn’t mean they’re happy. If a person crosses their arms, it doesn’t always mean they’re not interested. They could be cold.
Arms out (palms open)—shows openness, willing to listen and understand
Arms folded—uninterested, unwilling to open up, guarded
Hands in pockets with thumbs out—dominance
Hands in pockets with only thumbs in—weakness
Pointed at someone with index finger—aggression
Pointing at someone with entire arm out—control
Shaking hands with your palm down—domination
Shaking hands with your palm up—submissive, vulnerable
Handshake with strong grip—aggressive, controlling
Touching the tip of your nose with a finger—not being truthful
Scratching nose—anger
Covering mouth when speaking—being untruthful
Scratching neck during conversation—sign of disagreement
Rubbing back of neck—irritated, impatient, tired of the conversation
Trembling hands—nervousness, fear
Rubbing the eyes—don’t want others to see the truth
Touch forehead or face gently—attempting to comfort yourself
Palming forehead—feeling stupid, flash of insight
Standing with feet wide apart—dominance
Standing on toes—ready for action, alert
Standing with legs crossed (one leg bent at the knee)—feeling safe
Rubbing hands on thighs—anxious
Feet pointed away from the other person—wanting to leave
Woman crosses legs towards a man—she’s interested in him
Woman crosses legs away from man—she’s not interested in him
Asymmetric smile (half-cocked)—arrogance
Symmetrical smile—genuine happiness when the eyes crinkle
Inner part of eyebrows turned up—sad, disappointed
Inner part of eyebrows turned down (knit together)—anger, aggression
High eyebrows (raised) and jaw dropped—surprise
Blinking quickly—distress, discomfort
Dilated pupils—interest, arousal, ready to take action
Staring intently—show interest, anger
Pouting lips—disagreement or thinking
Jaw dropped (slack)—surprise
Mouth open—fear, disbelief
Biting lip—anxiety
Pursed lips—showing distaste
Shoulder shrug—unsure of the answer
Leaning back in chair—relaxed, not taking something serious
Leaning back in chair with hands clasped behind head—confidence, dominance
Leaning forward—interested, open to listen
Pulling at collar—feeling bad, nervous, wanting to calm down (cool off)
Leaning head on one hand—boredom
Leaning face into hands—disappointed, despair, sadness
Chin back, nose up—arrogance, superiority
Making fists—aggression
Flicking the hand and wrist—dismissive
Rolling eyes up—disbelief, impatient
One eyebrow cocked—suspicious
Rubbing temples—tired, overwhelmed, thinking
Walking briskly—in a hurry, busy
Walking slowly—being careful, relaxed
Rubbing chin or pulling at beard—thinking
Hands together (steepled)—pleading